Monday, August 3, 2020


We left Riga about a week ago and 82 hours later (five airports, an overnight flight, and two nights in a hotel airport), we made it to KTM.  Overall, it was a surreal experience traveling and, obviously, unlike anything we've ever been through.  Fortunately, everyone we saw on our flights were wearing masks, but unfortunately everyone had them off when they were eating, so...there's that.

Flights were much more crowded in Europe, but the flight to SE Asia only had about 30 people and it looked like most of them were heading home.  Staying 2 nights in an empty airport in KUL wasn't ideal, but fortunately there were a few restaurants open (and Starbucks, which made Allison happy!).

In the end, our 8 pieces of luggage and us made it to KTM without too much jet lag and we've settled in to our new apartments.  We're about half way through our government mandated two week quarantine and have been ordering lots of groceries and meals online through Kathmandu's food order service, Foodmandu.

Here are some pictures from our trip:

Saying goodbye to Riga!

He'll nap anywhere, except when he's at home

Malaysia holding it down with BSU fatigues

Waiting for planes to move

First Kathmandu sighting

Waiting to get into the wors...I mean our favorite airport in the world

Just about to immigration

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Kathmandu, we'll soon be seeing you

This blog has been silent, but it's about to get a reboot!  In October, we signed on with our previous school, so as soon as the airport opens back up, we'll be on our way back to KTM.  Riga was a great city to live in, but we're excited to return to Kathmandu!

Back in Oregon in December

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Roadtrip to Liepaja

After a few weeks of taking taxis to and from work, we finally got a car and decided to take a trip to Liepaja, which is about 3 hours west of Riga.

After an uneventful drive, we arrived to Liepaja.  While we were there, we started out by heading straight to the beach to get some pictures of the actual Baltic (compared to the Bay of Riga).  After that we went bowling at an old bowling alley and then finished off the night attending the FK Liepaja v. Riga FC soccer match.  The next day we headed about 30 minutes north to the Northern Forts, which were built in the late 1800s and then to Karosta Prison, for a quick lunch and tour - you can actually stay the night there for a full prison experience, but we didn't...  Overall, it was a great two night trip outside of the city.  Here are a few pictures:

Driving on nice roads for the first time in 6 years

Super windy, but not too cold

Kite surfing on the Baltic Sea

Iconic Liepaja letters on the beach

Soccer match at Daugava Liepaja Stadium

Northern Forts

Kids at the Northern Forts

Northern Forts

Allison at the Northern Forts

Close up Instagram'd mural
Kids listening during prison tour

Gas mask at prison

Monday, September 3, 2018

Finding our way around Riga (Alternatively titled: Our kids don't know how to walk on sidewalks)

(This post was drafted during our first week here... and then life happened and it didn't get posted, so I'm posting it now!)
We've been in Riga a few days now getting ourselves settled and adjusted (hello jet lag). We've been looking at houses and apartments, opening bank accounts, and getting medical clearance. Also, scouting out the best playgrounds, ice cream shops, and as our kids say "kid-friendly restaurants," which to them means the waiter brings them coloring activities.

The city is super cute and we've enjoyed walking around exploring. Taxis have been super easy and there is a lot of English.

We're off to a great start and in Tegan's words we "keep forgetting we actually live here".

And that sidewalk thing? It's been quite apparent it is not a skill our kids have learned. I guess not having sidewalks their entire lives would do that.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Newa Lahana in Kirtipur

Over spring break we had a friend visit from the US so we took him up to 'The Slab' which is a place actually called Newa Lahana in Kirtipur.  They're known for their Raksi and have a large menu filled with interesting items.  Here are a few pictures from the trip:
Apartments in Kirtipur

Some Raksi and Buff (and Star Wars toys)

Allison and T at Newa Lahana